Monday, December 17, 2007

Dearest Friends

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He has done so much.
Did you have moments this past year when you felt the warmth of a caring look?
Or perhaps, you looked around at those you loved, and at that moment you knew that you were blessed.
Those moments were from Him.
Did you go through times of suffering, knowing that the Master Potter was molding and shaping you?
Did you feel pain, physically or emotionally?
Those times were from Him.
Did you enjoy the comfort of a warm, dry, home, while the weather raged outside?
That was from Him.
I love to feel my husband's big hand close around mine. In those moments I feel so safe. It is hard to express the wonder of knowing that our Father knows every hair on our heads. Safe? Yes indeed. Loved? Absolutely.
This Christmas season, may we all reflect on all He has done for us in the past year.
Have a blessed holiday!


Beka said...

Oh yes, my dear friend, He has done so much... so much. It is so very comforting to know He holds us in His arms, where we are very safe and warm, and so loved. Loved with everlasting love, as a matter of fact!
Thanks for this reminder today.

Sara said...

This was so beautiful Bev! Thank you for these words. Merry Christmas!


Maxine said...

Thankful for all the precious little things He does for us from day to day. See you soon!

Jodi said...

Merry Christmas, Beverly, to you and your precious family!

Bethany said...

Merry Christmas!

Baptist Girl said...

I am just going around and wishing all my favorite bloggers a Very Merry Christmas. I pray that you have a wonderful Christmas and that the days and years ahead are full of joy for your family and most of all joy in Christ. I am so glad you are my brother in Christ!
God bless,

sparrow's song said...

Thank you for these encouraging words that remind us that God is in control. Both good and bad are ordained from God and all according to His plans and purposes. Often I'm guilty of being discontent because my selfish heart is prone to wander in order to feed its own desires. However, the grass is seldom greener on the other side.

I hope your Christmas was very blessed and that your New Year brings much Joy.

Patti said...

A hearty AMEN!! Every single thing that we have experienced this past year has been a canvas on which the Lord has displayed his goodness and faithfulness. How thankful I am for the great salvation he has given me! And how I thank him for all the ways he meets my needs every day.

By the way, you asked Gabrielle (Ella) if I had a blog. I do not. I did, up until about 2 months ago. Then, I was led of the Lord to delete it, as I had been spending far too much time online. Blogging had become an addiction, and I needed to remove myself from the blog world for awhile. I do enjoy reading your blog though.

Thanks for being an encouragement to young ladies like my daughter.
