Thursday, August 10, 2006

Lamaze ...

We went to Childbirth Prep/Lamaze classes this past June. A couple of things struck me as we sat on our towels and breathed "ha ha ha WHOO ... ha ha ha WHOO" while receiving reassuring massages from our husbands.

"Coaches, breathe with your wives," instructed the teacher.

Firstly, we all looked pretty silly!! Mr. S and I were both choking back waves of laughter. Thankfully he was sitting behind me so we couldn't meet eyes. I still feel the corners of my mouth quivering when we practice the breathing. I'm sure the pain will knock the smile right off of my face when the time comes! Stay tuned to find out if we actually use the breathing ...

Secondly and more seriously, I didn't realize that contractions are good. Yes, that's right folks!
God has designed those waves of pain to open the cervix up and give baby a place to go ... namely out into our world. Fighting against the contractions and tensing up is not what you want to do ... hence Lamaze or Bradley or whatever you use to get you through. (Remind me of this again in the next few weeks)

At every stage of this pregnancy, I have been in awe of God's Ways. He has made and fashioned us in such a detailed way. How can we comprehend all the wonders of His creation?


Anonymous said...

You know how much I am in awe of His ways! Hang in there girlie.


Sara said...

Hello! I like your new background. :) From your post, I take it you've been having some contractions- I wasn't sure how soon those started in a pregnancy...

Beverly said...

Hey Sara,
Thanks! I like your blog, by the way. I've been having Braxton Hicks contractions which prepare your body for labor. They aren't the real thing yet, but they are getting stronger!

Doug & Jess said...

Having just gone through my 3rd labor experience, I can tell you that it makes a world of difference if you view those contractions as they really are-- good things that help bring your precious one to you sooner. I see these movies of women screaming through contractions, and I think- ooh- you're wasting it- no wonder your baby is taking longer to come and you're hating it. If you focus, breathe through them (whether you do little noises or not is entirely a personality thing, I think)- and can have the right perspective-- that this is bringing your baby to you- even labor can be a delightful experience.

When are you due?

Beverly said...

Doug and Jess - thanks for the advice! I am due on September 16th - exactly 5 weeks away. I looked at your blog and will enjoy reading it. God bless.