Wednesday, August 09, 2006

I'll Give This a Try ...

I love to write, but I've never used this forum to express my thoughts. We'll see how it goes. I started this blog because I have really enjoyed reading my mom's new blog and my fingers are starting to itch! I want one too!

I am 34 weeks and 4 days pregnant with a little blessing. Right now, my life seems to be revolving around all things baby. I've heard that this form of naval gazing is normal in my current circumstances so please bear with me!

I am married to a wonderful godly man (that would be Mr. S of course!!). My cup runneth over.

I am a stay at home wife. People don't seem to understand this concept when I try to explain that my current employment is to keep our home and care for my husband to the best of my ability! It is a wonderful job. A high calling. I pray that I can please the Lord in my small way each day.


Maxine said...

Wonderful! Wonderful! I am so happy you've taken this step. I am going to enjoy exchanging comments with Selena's mommy! I know you are going to enjoy it.

Sara said...

Hello "Mrs. S". :) We're all praying for you as you go through the last few weeks of your pregnancy- you must be so excited!! I like your blog- I do have two blogs, but I began to get discouraged because not too many people were commenting. So now I have xanga!