Wednesday, July 29, 2009


It is 4:49pm.
Wednesday afternoon.

One curly headed girl playing "tea" with Mommy's teapot and a sugar bowl.
One precious baby drinking from her bottle while watching every move of her big sister.
A storm brewing outside. A darkening sky.
The flicker of a candle on our dining room table.
Crayon marks on a white toy box.

White chocolate chips melting on my tongue.

A little pretender murmuring to herself as she plays.
The rumblings of thunder.
The crock pot lid as the air pressure from the bubbling cheesy macaroni lifts the lid.
The subtle tapping sounds of my fingers against the keys.

I TOUCH (feel)
The warmth of the laptop on my lap.
Happy and content.
The beginnings of hunger. Glad that dinner is coming soon.

Macaroni and cheese.
The scent of Yankee Home Sweet Home.

And it is a home sweet home ...


Maxine said...

You are blessed.

Tera said...

Mmmm...Home Sweet Home is my Mom's Favorite! When I smell it at her house, I'll think of you now! :)

Neesie said...

You painted a lovely picture.

Mimi said...

this cozy picture is indeed a "HOME SWEET HOME"

Sarah, lovely wife of... said...

Hey Beverly. I have been following your blog for a while, silently. I love your blog and it is a real inspiration to me as a Christian and as a homemaker. Well, you have inspired me to finally create one of my own. Will you be the first to view it?

Sara said...

So good to check in with you once again and be ever-so-blessed . . .

Sara said...

So blessed to read these thoughts and check in with you and your high calling once again . . .